General InformationBag Limits- East of the Blue Ridge (except on National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties)
- The bag limit for deer shall be two a day, six a license year. Of the six-deer limit, no more than three may be antlered deer and at least three must be antlerless deer (unless noted in the exception below).
- The daily bag limit for deer shall be unlimited in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties (including the cities and towns within). However, no more than three antlered deer may be killed in a license year.
- West of the Blue Ridge and on National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties
- The bag limit for deer shall be one a day and five a license year. Of the five-deer limit, no more than two may be antlered deer and at least three must be antlerless deer (unless noted in the exceptions below).
- The daily bag limit for deer shall be two a day on private lands in Clarke, Frederick, Roanoke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties (including the cities and towns within).
- If a deer hunter kills two antlered bucks in a license year in Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, Rockingham, or Shenandoah County, at least one of the bucks must have at least four antler points, one inch or longer, on one side of the antlers.
Earn a Buck (EAB)For the purposes of this section, the term “license year” defines the period between July 1 and June 30 of the following year. Arlington County (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Arlington County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Arlington County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Arlington County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Arlington County. Local firearms ordinances prohibit the discharge of firearms in Arlington County. Bedford County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Bedford County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Bedford County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer on private lands in Bedford County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer on private lands in Bedford County. Clarke County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Clarke County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Clarke County. Fairfax County (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Fairfax County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Fairfax County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Fairfax County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Fairfax County. Frederick County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Frederick County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Frederick County. Loudoun County (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Loudoun County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Loudoun County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Loudoun County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Loudoun County. Prince William County except on Department of Defense (DOD) lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Prince William County (except on DOD lands) prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Prince William County (except on DOD lands), and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Prince William County (except on DOD lands) prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Prince William County (except on DOD lands). Rappahannock County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Rappahannock County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Rappahannock County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer on private lands in Rappahannock County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer on private lands in Rappahannock County. Roanoke County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Roanoke County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Roanoke County. Warren County on private lands (including the cities and towns within) During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Warren County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Warren County. For more information go to the Earn a Buck (EAB) Questions & Answers section. Bag Limit Exceptions- Deer hunters, including those exempt from purchasing a license, on private land and authorized public lands may take more than the license-year bag limit of antlerless deer by using bonus deer permits or special permits (DCAP, DMAP, and DPOP).
- DCAP, DMAP, and DPOP tags do not count against the daily or season bag limit.
Bonus Deer Permits- Are valid for one year from date of purchase.
- Are valid for antlerless deer only.
- Are valid only on private lands and authorized public lands.
- Are valid only on designated either-sex deer hunting days.
- Are valid during all archery, muzzleloader, and firearms deer seasons.
- Allow deer to be taken in addition to the license year bag limit.
- Do not allow the daily bag limit to be exceeded.
- Are not valid on National Forest and Department-owned lands.
- Are not valid in Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise counties.
- Come with no restriction on number that may be purchased and used.
Hunters for the HungryWe hope you will consider joining with this innovative program to help feed the hungry. Hunters for the Hungry encourages successful hunters to donate deer that are surplus to their families needs at participating processing locations. Funds are raised to cover the costs of professional processing, then the venison is distributed to the needy across the Commonwealth. This past season 279,279 pounds of venison were distributed. This brings total distribution since 1991 to over 4.9 million pounds, nearly 20.9 million servings. Hunters donating an entire deer are not required to pay any part of the processing fee. If you are asked to do so, please contact our office. However, if you desire to make a monetary contribution we encourage you to send it to our office at P.O. Box 304, Big Island, VA 24526. Legislation passed in 2003 in honor of program founder, David Horne, also gives hunters an opportunity to make a donation at the time they purchase their hunting license. You can make a difference to the hungry and to the future of hunting in Virginia. For additional information and for a list of participating processors, please email:, visit the website at, call 1-800-352-HUNT (4868), or write to P.O. Box 304, Big Island, VA 24526. Tree Stand Safety Guidelines- Use a full-body safety harness to secure yourself to the tree. Stay attached whenever you are off the ground. Minimize slack in the tether so that if you fall, it will not be very far. This reduces the risk of injury and may allow you to climb back into your stand. Hanging in a harness for a long time may cause irreversible injury or death. Have a plan for self-rescue.
- Never climb with equipment; use a haul line to get your unloaded gun or bow into and out of the tree stand. Crossbows may be raised while cocked, but should never be loaded with an arrow until you are securely in the stand and ready to hunt. It can be dangerous to try to cock a crossbow while in a tree.
- Keep manufactured tree stands in good working condition. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
- Many falls occur because of the failure of homemade stands, especially as they age. It is best to avoid them.
- While most manufactured tree stands are safe if used properly, they are occasionally found to be defective and recalled. To find out if your stand has been recalled, check the Consumer Product Safety Commission website.
Antlered and Antlerless Deer- Either-sex deer tags (commonly called “buck” tags) may be used on antlered or antlerless deer.
- Antlerless-only deer tags (commonly called “doe” tags) may only be used on antlerless deer.
Antlered and Antlerless DeerAntlered Deer- Antlered deer must have antlers visible above the hairline.
- An antlered deer must be tagged with an either-sex deer tag.
Antlerless Deer- Antlerless deer may only be taken during designated either-sex deer hunting days during the archery season(s), muzzleloading season(s), and firearms season(s). Youth deer hunters, see Youth and Apprentice Deer Hunting Weekend and Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation provisions below.
- Antlerless deer (does, button bucks, and shedantlered bucks) may be tagged with an antlerless- only deer tag or an either-sex deer tag.
- Button bucks, male fawns approximately six months old, are considered antlerless deer. The hair covered bumps on a button buck’s head are not antlers. They are the pedicels from which the antlers will grow the next year.
- Antlered deer that have shed their antlers, usually in late December or early January, are also considered antlerless deer. When checking a shed-antlered buck by telephone or Internet, it should be checked as an antlered deer with zero antler points.
Antler Point RestrictionsAlleghany, Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, Rockingham, and Shenandoah Counties If a deer hunter kills two antlered bucks in a license year, at least one of the bucks must have at least four antler points, one inch or longer, on one side of the antlers in each of the counties listed above. Fairystone and Featherfin WMAs On the Quality Deer Management Area of the Fairystone WMA and Featherfin WMA a legal antlered deer is a deer with at least four antler points, one inch or longer, on one side. Youth Antlerless Deer RegulationResident or nonresident deer hunters 15 years of age and under may take one antlerless deer per license year on days other than designated eithersex deer hunting days during the muzzleloading season(s) or the firearms season(s) in all counties that have at least one either-sex deer hunting day during the firearms deer season. This regulation applies to all private and public lands (National Forest, State Forests, WMAs, etc.) statewide (except on public and private lands in Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise counties). This regulation is in addition to either-sex deer hunting days. For example, if a youth deer hunter, 15 years of age or younger, killed one or more antlerless deer on designated either-sex deer hunting days, he or she could still take one antlerless deer on a day not designated an either-sex day. Youth and Apprentice Deer Hunting DaySeptember 24 and 25- Statewide.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license).
- Deer of either sex may be taken.
- Antlerless deer taken on the youth and apprentice deer hunting weekend are in addition to an antlerless deer taken under the youth antlerless deer regulation and on either-sex deer hunting days.
- Deer harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Blaze orange requirements and exceptions for firearms deer season are in effect (see General Hunting Regulations).
- Deer hunting with dogs is prohibited, except that tracking dogs are allowed (see Hunting with Dogs).
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice deer hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
- Unless specified above, all other normal firearm deer regulations apply (e.g., daily and season bag limits, tagging and checking, EAB, special antler restrictions, etc.).
Archery Deer SeasonsEarly Archery SeasonOctober 1 through November 18: Statewide Late Archery SeasonsDecember 4 through January 7: - In all areas west of the Blue Ridge unless noted in the season exception below. Season Exception: Clarke and Floyd counties and on private lands in Frederick County.
- In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Route 29), Bedford, and Nelson (west of Route 151).
December 5 through January 7: - On the Chester F. Phelps WMA and on National Forest Lands in Frederick County.
December 1 through January 7: - In the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach.
December 18 through January 7: - In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Floyd, Franklin, Henry, and Patrick.
Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunting- Deer of either sex may be taken full season during the early and late archery deer seasons, including the cities of Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp Line), unless otherwise noted below.
- Only antlered deer may be taken during the early and late archery deer seasons on PALS (Public Access Lands) in Dickenson County.
Northern VA Late Antlerless-only SeasonDuring this season only antlerless deer may be taken. March 27, 2017 through April 30, 2017- In Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties (including the cities and towns within).
Bowhunters Needed for SurveyThe Department has an ongoing statewide bowhunter survey to obtain information on bear, deer, turkey, small game, and furbearer populations. Participants will receive an annual survey form to complete during the early archery deer season and a copy of the results after they are compiled. To participate, please contact Mike Fies with your mailing address at Urban Archery Deer SeasonsDuring this season only antlerless deer may be taken. September 3 through 30 and January 8, 2017 through March 26, 2017 - Within the incorporated limits of the cities of Chesapeake (except on Department-owned lands), Colonial Heights, Danville, Emporia, Franklin, Fredericksburg, Galax, Hopewell, Lexington, Lynchburg, Martinsville, Poquoson, Radford, Richmond, Staunton, Suffolk, and Winchester; and in the towns of Altavista, Amherst, Bedford, Blacksburg, Blackstone, Chatham, Christiansburg, Farmville, Front Royal, Halifax, Hurt, Independence, Irvington, Kenbridge, Pearisburg, Pulaski, Richlands, Rocky Mount, Saltville, Smithfield, Stuart, Tazewell, West Point, and Wytheville; and in the counties of Chesterfield, Fairfax, James City, Roanoke (except on National Forest and Department-owned lands), and York.
- Archery or crossbow deer hunters hunting during the early urban archery deer season are required to wear blaze orange on the Youth and Apprentice Deer Hunting Weekend. For exceptions to the blaze orange requirement see page 17.
- Lists of properties available for hunting are not maintained by the Department or local governments.
- Go to the Urban Archery Season page on this website for local restrictions and other urban archery information.
- All other “normal” deer regulations apply (e.g., daily and season bag limits, tagging and checking, DMAP, DCAP, EAB, special antler restrictions, etc.).
Legal Methods and Restrictions During Archery Deer SeasonsSpecial restrictions may apply during this season. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Equipment and Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Archery tackle (including crossbows).
- Broadhead widths must be at least 7/8-inch wide or expand upon impact to 7/8-inch.
- It is unlawful to use explosive head arrows or arrows to which any drug, chemical, or toxic substance has been added.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead deer (see Hunting with Dogs, page 18).
- It is unlawful to have a firearm in possession except that a muzzleloading firearm, as defined in the muzzleloader deer seasons section, may also be in possession when and where there is an overlap with a muzzleloading deer season where deer hunting with a rifle or muzzleloading firearm is permitted.
Muzzleloader Deer SeasonsIn all areas where hunting with a muzzleloading rifle is permitted. Note: Deer hunters west of the Blue Ridge Mountains may take both of their season limit of two antlered deer during the early muzzleloading season. Muzzleloader deer hunters and persons accompanying a muzzleloader deer hunter shall wear blaze orange, except when physically located in a tree stand or other stationary hunting locations. Early Muzzleloader SeasonNovember 5 through 18: - There is no early muzzleloading season in the cities of Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, or Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line) since it occurs during the general firearms season.
Either-sex Deer Hunting East of the Blue Ridge: November 5 through 18 (full season): - In all areas (including Merrimac Farm WMA and Occoneechee State Park) unless otherwise noted below.
- November 12:
- On State Forest lands, State Park lands (except Occoneechee State Park), Department-owned lands (except Merrimac Farm WMA), and Philpott Reservoir.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days:
- On National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties.
Either-sex Deer Hunting West of the Blue Ridge: - November 5 through 18 (full season):
- On private lands in Carroll, Clarke, Floyd, Frederick, Grayson, Montgomery, Roanoke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties.
- November 12 and November14 through November 18:
- On private lands in Botetourt County.
- November 12:
- On private lands in Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Bland, Craig, Giles, Highland, Page, Pulaski, Rockbridge, Rockingham (except on private lands west of Routes 613 and 731), Scott, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe counties.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days:
- On National Forest and Department-owned lands in all counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
- On private lands in Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Rockingham (west of Routes 613 and 731), Russell, Tazewell, and Wise counties.
- On Channels State Forest, Grayson Highlands State Park, PALS (Public Access Lands) in Dickenson County, and Flannagan Reservoir.
Late Muzzleloader Season East of the Blue RidgeDecember 17 through January 7: In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Route 29), Bedford, Franklin, Henry, Nelson (west of Route 151), and Patrick, and in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach. Either-sex Deer Hunting East of the Blue Ridge: - December 17 through January 7 (full season):
- In the counties of Amherst (west of Route 29 except on National Forest lands), Bedford (except on National Forest lands), Franklin, Henry, Nelson (west of Route 151 except on National Forest lands), and Patrick.
- January 2 through 7:
- In the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach.
- January 7:
- On National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties.
Late Muzzleloader Season West of the Blue RidgeDecember 17 through January 7: Season Exception: - Closed in Clarke County and on private lands in Frederick County since it occurs during the general firearms season.
Either-sex Deer Hunting West of the Blue Ridge: - December 17 through January 7 (full season):
- On private lands in Carroll, Floyd, Grayson, Montgomery, Roanoke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties.
- January 2 through 7:
- On private lands in Augusta, Bland, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Page, Pulaski, Rockbridge, Rockingham (except on private lands west of Routes 613 and 731), Scott, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe counties.
- On National Forest and Department-owned lands in Carroll, Craig, Bland, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski, Roanoke, and Wythe counties.
- January 7:
- On private lands in Alleghany, Bath, Dickenson (north of Route 83), Highland, Lee, Rockingham (west of Routes 613 and 731), Russell, Tazewell, and Wise counties.
- On National Forest and Departmentowned lands in Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Dickenson (north of Route 83), Frederick, Grayson, Highland, Lee, Page, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Tazewell, Warren, Washington, and Wise counties.
- On Channels State Forest, Grayson Highlands State Park, and Flannagan Reservoir.
- Antlered deer only—no either-sex deer hunting days:
- On private lands in Buchanan and Dickenson (south of Route 83) counties.
- On PALS (Public Access Lands) in Dickenson County.
Legal Methods and Restrictions During Muzzleloader Deer SeasonsSpecial restrictions apply to specific firearms use during this season. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Equipmentand Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Only muzzleloading firearms, .45 caliber or larger, loaded from the muzzle of the gun.
- Muzzleloading firearms must be single shot, capable of firing only a single bullet or saboted bullet (.38 caliber or larger).
- Flintlock, percussion, or electronic ignitions are permitted.
- Must use at least 50 grains of black powder or black powder equivalent.
- Muzzleloading pistols which meet the four restrictions listed above are legal.
- It is unlawful to have in immediate possession any firearm other than a muzzleloading firearm while hunting with a muzzleloader (see exception for valid concealed handgun permit holders).
- Smokeless powder is allowed in muzzleloading firearms designed for it. Never use smokeless powder in a muzzleloading firearm that is not specifically designed for it.
- Scopes are permitted.
- For the purposes of transportation in a vehicle, muzzleloading firearms are considered “unloaded” when all powder has been removed from the flashpan, or the percussion cap, primer, or battery has been removed from the firearm.
- It is unlawful to hunt deer with dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead deer (see Hunting with Dogs)
- It is lawful to carry archery tackle when and where there is an overlap with a deer archery and muzzleloading season.
- Deer of either sex may be taken full season during the muzzleloading seasons within the incorporated limits of any city or town in the Commonwealth that allows deer hunting except in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach and in the cities and towns of Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise counties and only with the weapons (archery tackle and/or muzzleloaders) authorized by each individual city or town.
- Muzzleloader deer hunters and persons accompanying a muzzleloader deer hunter shall wear blaze orange, except when physically located in a tree stand or other stationary hunting location.
Firearms Deer Seasons
November 19 through December 3In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Rt. 29), Bedford*, Botetourt, Carroll, Craig, Giles, Grayson, Montgomery, Nelson (west of Rt. 151), Pulaski, Roanoke*, Shenandoah, Warren*, and Wythe. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 19 through December 3 (full season): In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26 and December 3: On National Forest lands and Department-owned lands in Carroll and Roanoke counties and on National Forest lands in Craig, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Wythe counties and on Big Survey WMA.
- December 3: On National Forest lands and Department-owned lands in Botetourt County and on National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, Nelson, Shenandoah, and Warren counties.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days: On National Forest lands in Grayson County and on portions of Grayson Highlands State Park. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation applies.
November 19 through December 3In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Lee, Page, Rockbridge, Russell, and Tazewell. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days- November 26, December 2 and 3: In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- December 3: On National Forest and Department-owned lands in Rockbridge County and on National Forest lands in Page County.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days: On National Forest lands in Lee and Tazewell counties and on Clinch Mountain WMA, Channels State Forest, and Hidden Valley WMA. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation applies.
November 19 through January 7In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Accomack, Albemarle, Arlington*, Clarke*, Culpeper (see season exception for C.F. Phelps WMA below), Fairfax*, Fauquier (see season exception for C. F. Phelps WMA below), Frederick* (see season exception for National Forest lands below), Greene, Greensville, Hanover, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City, King George, Lancaster, Loudoun*, Madison, Northampton, Northumberland, Orange, Prince George, Prince William*, Rappahannock*, Richmond, Southampton, Stafford, Suffolk (west of the Dismal Swamp line), Surry, Sussex, Westmoreland, and York. (*denotes EAB county) - In Arlington County*, City of Hampton, and City of Richmond (in the City of Richmond:
archery only, no special permit is required for archery deer hunting). Note: Local Ordinances prohibit the discharge of firearms in these areas (see Local Firearms Ordinances). (*denotes EAB county) - In the City of Lynchburg (on private lands for which a special permit has been issued by the Chief of Police). In the City of Newport News: archery only, no special permit is required for archery deer hunting.
- In Fairfax County* a special landowner permit is required to firearms deer hunt on
private lands. Contact the Div. of Animal Control, 4500 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 for details. No special police permit is required for archery deer hunting.
Season Exception- November 19 through December 3: On C.F. Phelps WMA and National Forest lands
in Frederick County.
Either-sex Deer Hunting Days- November 19 through January 7 (full season): In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26, December 3, December 10, and December 12 through January 7: On Rapidan WMA.
- November 26 and January 7: On G.R. Thompson WMA.
- November 26 and December 3: On C.F. Phelps WMA.
- December 3: On National Forest lands in Frederick County.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days: On the Carlisle Tract of the
Hog Island WMA, and Ragged Island WMA. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation applies.
Northern VA Early and Late Anterless-only Firearms Deer SeasonsDuring these seasons only antlerless deer may be taken. Early: September 3 through 30Late: January 8, 2017 through March 26, 2017:In the counties of Arlington*, Fairfax*, Loudoun*, and Prince William* (including the cities and towns within). Local firearm ordinances prohibit the discharge of firearms in Arlington County. To firearms deer hunt on private lands in Fairfax County a special landowner permit is required (see above). All legal deer hunting weapons including bows, crossbows, muzzleloaders, pistols, shotguns, and rifles are legal. Local firearms ordinances still apply. All other “normal” deer regulations apply (e.g., daily and season bag limits, tagging and checking, DCAP, DMAP, EAB, etc.). November 19 through January 7In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Appomattox, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Dinwiddie, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26, December 3, and January 2 through 7: In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26, December 3, December 10, and December 12 through January 7: On Featherfin WMA (by quota hunt only).
- November 26, December 3, and January 2 through 7: On Briery Creek, Dick Cross, and Horsepen Lake WMAs.
- November 26 and December 3: On Appomattox-Buckingham and Prince Edward State Forests.
November 19 through January 7In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amelia, Caroline, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Fluvanna, King and Queen, King William, and Powhatan. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26, December 3, and December 26 through January 7: In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26, December 3, and December 26 through January 7: On Powhatan WMA.
- November 26, December 3 and January 2 though 7: On Amelia and Mattaponi WMAs.
- November 26 and December 3:On Cumberland State Forest.
November 19 through December 3In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Augusta, Rockingham, Scott, Smyth, and Washington. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26 and November 28 through December 3: In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- December 3: On National Forest and Department-owned lands in Augusta County,
and on National Forest lands in Rockingham County and on private lands west of Routes 613 and 731 in Rockingham County. - Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days: On National Forest lands in Scott, Smyth, and Washington counties and on Clinch Mountain and Hidden Valley WMAs, Hungry Mother State Park, and Channels State Forest. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation applies.
November 19 through December 17In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Henry and Patrick. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26, December 3, and December 5 through 17 In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26 and December 12 through 17: On Fairystone Farms and Turkeycock Mountain WMAs, designated areas of Fairystone State Park, and Philpott Reservoir.
October 1 through November 30In the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- October 8, October 15, and November 18 through November 30: In all areas.
November 19 through December 3In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days in all areas. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation does not apply.
November 19 through December 17In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Floyd and Franklin. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 19 through December 17 (full season):
In all areas unless otherwise noted below.- November 26 and December 12 through 17: On Philpott Reservoir and Turkeycock Mountain WMA.
November 19 through January 7In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (east of Rt. 29), Campbell, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, Goochland, Halifax, Louisa, Mathews, Middlesex, Nelson (east of Rt. 151), New Kent, Pittsylvania and Spotsylvania. Note: Dogs may not be used for deer hunting in Campbell County (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad) and in Pittsylvania County (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad). Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26, December 3, December 10, and December 12 through January 7:
In all areas unless otherwise noted below.- November 26 and January 2 through 7: On James River WMA.
- November 26 and January 7: On White Oak Mountain WMA.
- Antlered deer only-no either-sex deer hunting days: On Chickahominy WMA. Special Youth Antlerless Deer Regulation applies.
November 19 through December 3In the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Alleghany, Bath, Bland, and Highland. Either-sex Deer Hunting Days:- November 26 and December 3: In all areas unless otherwise noted below.
- November 26 and December 3: On National Forest lands in Bland County.
- December 3: On National Forest lands in Alleghany County and on National Forest and Department-owned lands in Bath and Highland counties.
Firearms Either-sex Deer Hunting For Incorporated Cities and TownsDeer of either sex may be taken full season in the incorporated limits of any city or town in Virginia that allows deer hunting except in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp line), and Virginia Beach, but only with the specific weapons authorized by each individual city or town. Legal Methods and Restrictions During Firearms Deer Seasons:Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during this season. See Legal Use of Firearms and Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Modern firearms.
- Hunters are allowed to use archery tackle or muzzleloading firearms to deer hunt during the firearms deer season with the following conditions:
- all hunters are required to comply with the either-sex deer hunting days for the firearms deer season.
- use of muzzleloading firearms is allowed only if not otherwise restricted.
- muzzleloader deer hunters must wear blaze orange during the firearms deer season.
- archery deer hunters must wear blaze orange during the firearms deer season except when hunting in areas where the discharge of firearms is prohibited.
Dogs May Not Be Used For Deer Hunting:- On Sunday while in possession of a weapon.
- West of the Blue Ridge.
- East of the Blue Ridge in Bedford, Fairfax, Franklin, Henry, Loudoun, Northampton, and Patrick counties, and Amherst (west of Rt. 29), Campbell (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), Nelson (west of Rt. 151), Pittsylvania (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), and the City of Lynchburg.
- When hunting during archery and muzzleloading seasons and on the Youth and Apprentice Deer Hunting Weekend.
- On many military areas. Check individual Post regulations.
- On Amelia, Cavalier, Doe Creek, Featherfin, Mattaponi, Merrimac Farm, Pettigrew, Chester F. Phelps, and G. Richard Thompson Wildlife Management Areas.
- During the first 14 hunting days of the firearms deer season in Madison and Greene counties.
Tracking Dogs:- Tracking dogs maintained and controlled on a lead may be used to find a wounded or dead bear or deer statewide during any archery, muzzleloader, or firearm bear or deer hunting season, or within 24 hours of the end of such season, provided that those who are involved in the retrieval effort have permission to hunt on or to access the land being searched and do not have any weapons in their possession.
Bag Limits:- General:
- One per day, three per license year, no more than two of which may be taken in the fall.
- Archery and Fall Firearms Season:
- One per day, either sex may be taken.
- Spring Turkey Season:
- One per day, bearded turkeys only.
Checking Fall and Spring TurkeysWild turkeys killed in the fall (except those killed in January) must be checked at a Game Check Station, by telephone, or the Internet checking system. Wild turkeys killed in January must be checked using the telephone or Internet checking system. Wild turkeys killed in the spring gobbler season must be checked using the telephone or Internet checking system. Archery Turkey SeasonOctober 1 through November 12: Statewide - Statewide except in areas where there is a closed firearm season on turkey.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Archery Turkey SeasonSpecial restrictions apply to specific firearms use during this season. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Equipmentand Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Archery tackle (including crossbows) only.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- Broadhead widths must be at least 7/8-inch wide or expand upon impact to 7/8-inch.
- It is unlawful to use dogs when hunting with archery tackle during the archery season.
- It is unlawful to have a firearm in possession (see exception for valid concealed handgun permit holders.
Youth and Apprentice Fall Turkey Hunting WeekendOctober 15 and 16: - Statewide in counties, cities, and areas with a fall turkey season.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license).
- Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.
- Bag limit is one turkey (either sex) per youth/ apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a firearm.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Fall Firearms Turkey Seasons - October 29 through November 11 and November 24:
- In the counties of Albemarle, Allegheny, Augusta, Bath, Greene, Highland, Madison, Orange, Page, Rockingham, and Warren.
- October 29 through November 11, November 24, December 5 through 31, and January 14 through 28:
- In the counties of Amelia, Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Brunswick, Buckingham, Campbell, Caroline, Carroll, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Clarke, Craig, Culpeper, Cumberland, Dickenson, Dinwiddie, Essex, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Fluvanna, Franklin, Frederick, Giles, Goochland, Grayson, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Henry, King and Queen, King William, Lee, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Nelson, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince William, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Russell, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, and Wythe, and on Camp Peary.
- Closed:
- In the county of Arlington and the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach.
- October 29 through November 11, November 24, and December 5 through 17:
- In the counties of Accomack, Buchanan, Charles City, Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, King George, Lancaster, Matthews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northampton, Northumberland, Prince George, Richmond, Southampton, Surry, Sussex, Westmoreland, York (except on Camp Peary), and City of Suffolk.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Fall Firearms Seasons and Youth and Apprentice Fall Turkey Hunting WeekendSpecial restrictions apply to specific firearms use during this season. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Equipmentand Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle (including crossbows).
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- Dogs may be used.
- Unlawful to use electronic calls.
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting WeekendApril 1 and 2, 2017: - Statewide.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license).
- Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey SeasonBag Limit:One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season. Seasons: StatewideApril 8 through 30, 2017: - One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 1 through 13, 2017: - One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting WeekendSpecial restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Equipment and Local Firearms Ordinances for details. - Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs during spring turkey season.
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
Hunting Licenses & FeesEvery person who is required to have a license must carry such license and shall show the license immediately upon request of any officer whose duty it is to enforce the game and inland fish laws, or upon the demand of any owner or lessee, or any employee or representative of such owner or lessee, upon whose land or water such person may be hunting, trapping, or fishing. Any person who is required to carry certain hunting, trapping, or fishing licenses or a hunter education certificate on their person can meet the requirement by carrying an electronic copy of the relevant license or certificate, except that the bear license and deer/turkey license must still be possessed as a paper copy for checking requirements. Residency Qualifications- Persons who have been a bona fide resident of the city, county, or state for six consecutive months immediately preceding the date of purchasing a license.
- Persons who have been domiciliary residents of the state for at least two months upon approval of a completed affidavit to be furnished by the Department.
- Legal voters for Virginia.
- Any member of the armed forces of the United States, or a member of the immediate family of such a member as defined in § 2.2-3101, upon execution of a certificate of residence if the member (i) resides in the Commonwealth, (ii) is on active duty, and (iii) is stationed at a military installation within, or in a ship based in, the Commonwealth.
- Students (including nonresident students boarding on campus) residing in Virginia who are enrolled in bona fide Virginia schools.
- Any unnaturalized person who owns real estate in the county or city and who has actually resided there not less than five years next preceding the date of the application for the license in the county or city.
License ExemptionsAll persons, except those listed below, must purchase the proper licenses before hunting or trapping. Where exempt, the exemption means the individual is exempt from the basic hunting license; bear license, deer/turkey license, archery license; muzzleloading license; trapping license; and Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation Stamp. All seasons, bag limits, and checking requirements apply. - Resident or nonresident landowners, their spouses, their children and grandchildren and the spouses of such children and grandchildren, or the landowner’s parents, resident or nonresident, do not need a license to hunt, trap or fish (on inland waters) within the boundaries of their own lands.
- Tenants, on the land they rent and occupy, are not required to have a license, but must have the written permission of the landowner. Persons who lease property and do not permanently reside there are not exempt from license requirements.
- Residents, 65 years of age and over, do not need a license to hunt or trap on private property in their county or city of residence.
- Resident hunters under the age of 12 are not required to have a hunting license or hunter education. Nonresident hunters under the age of 12 need a hunting license but do not need hunter education to purchase one. All hunters under the age of 12 may not hunt unless accompanied and directly supervised by a licensed adult.
- Residents under the age of 16 are not required to have a license to trap when accompanied by any person 18 years of age or older who possesses a valid Virginia trapping license.
- Any person who is not hunting, but is aiding a disabled person to hunt when such disabled person possesses a valid Virginia Disabled Resident Lifetime hunting license or a Virginia Resident Disabled Veteran Lifetime license is not required to have a license.
- Any Indian who “habitually” resides on an Indian reservation or a member of the Virginia recognized tribes who resides in the Commonwealth is not required to have a hunting or trapping license; however, such Indian must have on his person an identification card or paper signed by the chief of his tribe, a valid tribal identification card, written confirmation through a central tribal registry, or certification from a tribal office.
- Stockholders owning 50 percent or more of the stock of any domestic corporation owning land in Virginia, his or her spouse and children and minor grandchildren, resident or nonresident, do not need a license to hunt, trap and fish within the boundaries of lands and inland waters owned by the domestic corporation.
License-Exempt HuntersHunters who are exempt from purchasing a license are requested to register for HIP. Information obtained from HIP registration is vital for the management of migratory birds in Virginia. If not already established, exempt hunters can create a Customer Account. Where to Get a License- Online: Select the license(s) you want, pay with your VISA or MasterCard, and print your license(s) after you pay.
- In Person: Sold by some clerks of the Circuit Court and hundreds of license agents around the state. Not sold at Department Regional Offices.
- By Phone: Customer Service, 1-866-721-6911 during regular business hours.
Which Licenses Do I Need?To hunt in Virginia, a resident or nonresident hunting license is required, unless you are license exempt. Other licenses, permits, or stamps may also be required depending on species hunted and location of hunt. Before purchasing a hunting license or permit, make sure you understand what qualifies as a Virginia residency, that you really need a license or permit based on the exemptions, and you have met the hunter safety requirements. To Hunt Small GameA hunting license is required. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required. To Dove, Woodcock, Snipe, or Rail HuntA hunting license and HIP Permit are required. Register for HIP online or call 1-888-788-9772. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required. To Hunt Bear, Deer, or TurkeyA bear license and/or a deer/turkey license is required in addition to a hunting license. (These licenses are valid from July 1-June 30 only.) A National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required. To Hunt With Archery TackleAn archery license is required in addition to a hunting license when using archery tackle during a designated archery season for bear, deer, turkey and bobcat. A bear license, deer/ turkey license, National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required. To Hunt With a MuzzleloaderA muzzleloading license is required in addition to the hunting license if hunting with a muzzleloading firearm during any muzzleloader deer season. A bear license, deer/turkey license, National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required. If hunting with archery tackle or muzzleloading rifle during any firearms deer season you do not need an archery or muzzleloading license. To TrapA trapping license is required to trap. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required. To Waterfowl HuntA hunting license, Federal Duck Stamp, Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation Stamp and a HIP Permit are required.Register online or call 1-888-788-9772. A National Forest Stamp or State Forest Stamp may also be required. Legacy Lifetime Licenses- Issued only to an individual who is younger than two years of age and is valid for the lifetime of the license holder regardless of any change in that person’s status as a resident or nonresident.
- Legacy hunting license is valid until the individual’s 12th birthday. Upon proof of completion of a hunter education course or equivalent, this license is transferable to a lifetime hunting license at no additional charge.
- The Legacy hunting or fishing license is available by application through the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. Cost is $125 for resident children and $250 for nonresident children.
Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. Lifetime LicensesResident and nonresident lifetime licenses are purchased by an application and require supporting documentation of age, residency, and/or disability. They are issued only through the Richmond office. Retail license agents cannot issue these licenses. Applications can be submitted in person at the Richmond office or mailed in. License applications can be found on the Department’s website or call customer service at 1-866-721-6911 during regular business hours. Virginia Apprentice Hunting LicenseThe apprentice hunting license serves as a firsttime Virginia resident or nonresident hunting license and is good for two years. Previous Virginia resident and non-resident hunting license holders are not eligible to purchase an apprentice license. The license entitles the holder to a one-time deferral of the hunter education requirement. The apprentice license holder must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over 18 who has on his or her person a valid Virginia hunting license. “Accompanied and directly supervised” occurs when a person over 18 maintains a close visual and verbal contact with, provides adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm from the apprentice hunter If you purchase an apprentice hunting license and then complete hunter education, you may then use the apprentice license as a basic hunting license to hunt without supervision until it expires unless otherwise required by law to be supervised as in the case of hunting on a youth/ apprentice hunting day where, by Department regulation, apprentice hunters must be supervised by a licensed or an exempt licensed adult. If hunting unsupervised you must carry proof of hunter education. The apprentice license does not qualify the holder to purchase a regular hunting license, nor exempt the holder from compliance with Department regulations. A bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to the apprentice license if you choose to hunt those species. Replacement LicenseIf you purchased a license from a retail license agent, such as a sporting goods store, you can request a replacement at any retail license agent. If you purchased a license online, by phone, or from the Richmond office you will need to request a replacement by calling toll-free 1-866-721-6911 during regular business hours. License FeesIssuance fee is included in the prices. Resident Hunting LicensesLicenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase except the bear license, deer/turkey license (valid July 1-June 30 only), the Virginia migratory waterfowl conservation stamp, the apprentice hunting license, and lifetime licenses. License | Fee |
Resident Sportsman’s License (age 16 and older) Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery license, muzzleloading license, freshwater fishing license, and trout license | $133.00 | Resident Hunting License (age 16 and older) | Year | Fee |
1 year license | $23.00 | 2 year license | $44.00 | 3 year license | $65.00 | 4 year license | $86.00 |
| Resident County or City Hunting License (age 16 and older) For county or city of residence only | $16.00 | Resident Apprentice Hunting License Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Valid for 2 years from date of purchase. | $11.00 | Resident Senior Citizen Hunting License (age 65 and over) Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps or permits are required in addition to this license. | $9.00 | Resident Annual Hunting License for 70 Percent Partially Disabled Veterans Resident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having at least 70 percent service-connected disability upon certification. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $12.00 | Resident Junior Hunting License (age 12 to 15; optional for under 12 years old) | $8.50 | Resident Youth Combination Hunting License (age 12 to 15) Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery license, and muzzleloading license. | $16.00 | No annual bear license, or deer/turkey license required until age 12. National forest permit, state forest use permit, and bonus deer permits, if applicable, are required in addition to this license. Upon proof of completion of a hunter education course or equivalent, the license is transferable to a lifetime hunting license at no additional fee. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $255.00 | Must be purchased before age 2. See page 12 for details. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $125.00 | Resident Lifetime Hunting License Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | Age | Fee |
Age 12-44 (hunter education course required under age 16) | $260.00 | Age 45-50 | $210.00 | Age 51-55 | $160.00 | Age 56-60 | $110.00 | Age 61-64 | $60.00 | Age 65 and over | $20.00 |
| Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Hunting Lifetime License Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this hunting license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $15.00 | Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime Hunting License For qualified resident disabled veterans. Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery license, muzzleloading license. All other applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. A license for freshwater fishing is also available. | No charge | Resident Fox Hunting License To hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms. Not required of an individual holding a basic license to hunt. | $23 |
One or more of the following may be required in addition to a resident hunting license. License | Fee |
Resident Bear License | $21.00 | Resident Deer/Turkey License (age 16 and older) Not required if a senior citizen’s lifetime license was purchased before July 1, 1988. Not required for holders of Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Veteran Lifetime License. Valid July 1 through June 30 only. | $23.00 | Resident Junior Deer/Turkey License (age 12 to 15) Valid July 1 through June 30. | $8.50 | Resident Archery License Includes longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, and crossbow. | $18.00 | Resident Muzzleloading License | $18.00 |
Non-resident Hunting LicensesLicenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase except the bear license, deer/turkey license (valid July 1-June 30 only), the Virginia migratory waterfowl conservation stamp, the apprentice hunting license, and lifetime licenses. License | Fee |
Nonresident Hunting License (age 16 and older) | $111.00 | Nonresident 3-Day Hunt License (age 16 and older) Must be 3 consecutive days including Sundays where Sunday hunting is allowed. | $60.00 | Nonresident Apprentice Hunting License Annual nonresident bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits may be required in addition to this license. Valid for 2 years from date of purchase. | $21.00 | Nonresident Annual Hunting License for 70 Percent Partially Disabled Veterans Nonresident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having at least 70 percent service-connected disability. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $56.00 | Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Nonresident Veteran Annual Hunting License For nonresident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having a total and permanent disability that is service connected. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this hunting license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $28.50 | Nonresident Junior Hunting License (under age 12) | $13.00 | Nonresident Junior Hunting License (age 12 to 15) | $16.00 | Nonresident Youth Combination Hunting License (under age 16) Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery license, and muzzleloading license. | $31.00 | Nonresident Legacy Hunting License Must be purchased before age 2. Must be purchased before age 2. See page 12 for details. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $250.00 | Nonresident Lifetime Hunting License Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses, stamps or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $555.00 | Nonresident Fox Hunting License To hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms. Not required of an individual holding a general license to hunt. | $111.00 |
One or more of the following may be required in addition to a nonresident hunting license. License | Fee |
Nonresident Bear License | $151.00 | Nonresident Deer/Turkey License Valid July 1 through June 30 | Age | Fee |
Age 16 and older | $86.00 | Age 12 to 15 | $16.00 | Under age 12 | $13.00 |
| Nonresident Archery License Includes longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, and crossbow. | $31.00 | Nonresident Muzzleloading License | $31.00 |
Trapping LicensesOne or more of the following is required to trap. Other licenses or permits may also be required. License | Fee |
County or City Resident Trapping License For county or city of residence. | $21.00 | Resident Trapping License | Year | Fee |
1 year license | $46.00 | 2 year license | $90.00 | 3 year license | $134.00 | 4 year license | $178.00 |
| Resident Junior Trapping License (under age 16) | $11.00 | Resident Senior Citizen Trapping License (age 65 and over) | $9.00 | Resident Senior Citizen Lifetime Trapping License (age 65 or over) Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $20.00 | Service-Connected Permanently and Totally Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime Trapping License Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $15.00 | Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime Trapping License Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application available online. | $15.00 | Nonresident Trapping License | $206.00 |
Miscellaneous Permits and StampsOne or more of the following may be required in addition to a hunting license. PermitsPermit | Fee |
Resident Bonus Deer Permit (6 antlerless tags) (More information) | $18.00 | Nonresident Bonus Deer Permit (6 antlerless tags) (More information) | $31.00 | National Forest Permit To hunt and trap within National Forest. Not required of residents under the age of 16 to trap or residents who have an annual senior citizen hunting license ($9.00) or a senior lifetime license issued before 7/1/88. | $4.00 | Virginia State Forest Use Permit (age 16 or older) Allows hunting, trapping, fishing, mountain biking, and horse riding. No motorized vehicles on gated roads/trails (open or closed). Sold in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Forestry. | $16.00 | Public Access Lands for Sportsmen (PALS) (More Information) | $18.00 | Access Permit Daily group rates are available. (More Information) | $4.00 per day or $23.00 per year |
LicensesLicense | Fee |
Nonresident Hunting (Shooting) Preserve license To hunt within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve, in lieu of other required licenses. | $23.00 | Nonresident Foxhound Training Preserve license To hunt within the boundaries of a licensed foxhound training preserve, in lieu of other required licenses. | $18.00 | Stationary Shore Blind | $23.50 | Floating Blind | $41.00 | Offshore Blind Stake (limit 4 per licensee) | $6.00 |
StampsStamp | Fee |
Federal Migratory Duck E-Stamp To take migratory waterfowl; required of persons 16 years of age and over in addition to hunting license. Valid July 1 through June 30. | $27.50 | Required of persons 16 years of age and older, unless license exempt. Valid July 1 through June 30. | $10.00 |